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By Fabrizio Montesi.
Created on 2024-12-18.
Last updated on 2024-12-18.
The EMI (Efficiency, Maintainability, and Isolation) framework is a conceptual framework for making decisions regarding the refactoring of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). It helps developers systematically evaluate and implement API changes by balancing three key quality aspects: efficiency, maintainability, and isolation. If you are interested in learning EMI, I recommend reading our paper [Montesi et al. 2025] (pdf). For a quick overview, keep reading.
EMI was introduced in [Montesi et al. 2025], building on the catalogue of API patterns by Zimmermann et al. [2022] and the study of forces that might drive API refactorings by Stocker and Zimmermann [2023].
APIs evolve continuously, because of changing business and technical requirements. Therefore, refactoring of APIs is often required in the development and maintenance of many software architectures. Such refactorings can help with introducing new features, reduce coupling, improving efficiency of communication, etc. A typical example is the introduction of an API key to authenticate requests to an API (see: API Key pattern).
What implementation choices and tradeoffs should developers keep in mind when dealing API refactoring? This is where EMI comes into play.
EMI identifies two dimensions that affect the quality of an API refactoring and should therefore be considered during design and implementation. The granularity at which these dimensions are analysed is kept quite coarse on purpose, in order to make EMI lean and usable in the first exploration of the design space of refactorings.
The generality dimension concerns whether the code of the new functionality (the changes introduced by an API refactoring) depends on or abstracts from the definition of the original API. There are two possibilities:
The distribution dimension concerns where the code of the new functionality is placed. Three possibilities are given:
The next figure visualises these possibilities.
The different choices along the two dimensions of generality and distribution can be mixed. Here are two examples of different implementation strategies for introducing an API key.
Solution 1 is very efficient, but can be hard to maintain because we have mixed old and new code. Solution 2 is less efficient, but is much more modular and keeps the resources of the proxy isolated from those of the original API provider.
In general, any EMI strategy yields a score from 1 to 3 on each quality aspect of Efficiency (E), Maintainability (M), and Isolation (I). These aspects presents interesting trade-offs: optimising for one comes at the cost of another. This is illustrated in the next table, from the paper [Montesi et al. 2025].
That's basically the gist of it. In our paper [Montesi et al. 2025] (pdf), we give a more detailed presentation, exemplify the strategies on different patterns, and extract mechanical recipes for refactoring APIs that can be used to obtain the wished EMI scores.
Hope that you have enjoyed reading this article! We welcome feedback and discussions on extending EMI, for example by considering new patterns, more granular scores, and other quality aspects.
Fabrizio Montesi, Valentino Picotti, Marco Peressotti, Olaf Zimmermann [2025], A Conceptual Framework for API Refactoring in Service-Oriented Architectures.
In proceedings of ESOCC 2025 (to appear).
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@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/esocc/MontesiPPZ25, author = {Fabrizio Montesi and Valentino Picotti and Marco Peressotti and Olaf Zimmermann}, title = {A Conceptual Framework for API Refactoring in Service-Oriented Architectures}, booktitle = {Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing - 12th {IFIP} {WG} 6.12 European Conference, {ESOCC} 2025, Proceedings, to appear}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2025}}
Olaf Zimmermann, Mirko Stocker, Daniel Lübke, Uwe Zdun, Cesare Pautasso [2022], ‘Patterns for API Design: Simplifying Integration with Loosely Coupled Message Exchanges’, Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN: 9780137670093
Mirko Stocker, Olaf Zimmermann [2023], ‘API refactoring to patterns: Catalog, template and tools for remote interface evolution’, in Proceedings of EuroPLoP, pages 2:1–2:32, ACM.