=== Web Programming = Online parser for Jolie - Jolie interpreter in a browser, to try out code. - Should be informative about what went wrong. :-) = Trading service - Den blaa avis on steroids. - Matches offer with demand and vice versa, automatically! :-)) = News aggregator (RSS) - News/Blog aggregator to display news in websites from external sources. = Dispenser - dispenser.tf - Parse the content and provide some search functionalities - Buy lots of Steam keys! === Jolie Language (modify the interpreter) = Session programming - provide until primitive for looping of operation inputs. = Types - Regular expressions in types, instead of string. = Implementation of new protocols - Websockets :-)) === Jolie Libraries = Jolie Standard Library - Templates for transforming strings - Java Server Pages on steroids. - Put Jolie code inside of HTML! (Template systems) :-))~ x = "
"; x.id = 5; = Jolie APIs - Jolie Library for Slideshare, other famous websites (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Pirate Bay, ...) :-))~