You can find material on the syntax of Chor in Chapter 7 of: # Exercise 1 - Download openid.cho. - Write a choreography (in the main procedure) that implements the protocol OpenID. ## Tip 1: Use ask and show to get username and password from the user, and to ask at the identity provider whether the username/password combination is correct, e.g., ask@ip( "Is the username/password combination correct? " + username + "/" + password, decision ) ## Tip 2: Use the conditional construct if-then-else at the identity provider, e.g., if ( decision == "yes" )@ip { ... } else { ... } # Exercise 2 Modify the program you obtain from exercise 1 such that: - the identity provider opens another session with a logger; - the identity provider sends to the logger a message on whether the user was successfully authenticated or not. - [optional] reuse the logger code from the exercises of the previous lecture to write logs in a file.